  • Adults Over 12 y.o.
  • Childs From 2 to 12 y.o.
  • Infants Without seat


Customer Service Office
  • Юридический адрес:
  • ОДО "Белтранском" 220090 Республика Беларусь,
  • г. Минск, Логойский тракт, 22А
  • Дата государственной регистрации
  • 19.01.2001 г. в едином государственном реестре Республики Беларусь
  • УНП 100136088
  • Account number
  • р/с BY54 BPSB 3012 1078 5301 7933 0000
  • в Дополнительном офисе №701 на Чкалова Региональной дирекции №700
  • по г. Минску и Минской области ОАО «БПС-Сбербанк»
  • г. Минск, ул. Чкалова, 18/1
  • УНП: 100136088
  • ОКПО: 14799863
How to get in touch with us?

Ticket refund

  • Go to the link received by SMS , or by e-mail when buying a ticket, or by "link to order in the browser" from the application . A window with your tickets will open:

  • Click "Return tickets"
  • Select the tickets (tap with your finger) that we want to return, the selected tickets become grey:

  • In the upper part of the window you will see information on the refund amount, to continue click on "Issue refund ":
  • We receive a message about the need to fill in bank details, if you made a refund earlier, but did not fill in the details, then to appear the window of filling in the details when you go to the link you need to click on the button at the bottom of the screen :


  • Click "Confirm Details", a window will open to fill in the details:

  • In the opened window some fields from the data specified in the ticket can be automatically filled in. Fill in the fields:
    In all fields enter the data of the ACCOUNT HOLDER (hereinafter referred to as "recipient of funds") from which the payment was made, not the passenger's data. (Example: the ticket was bought by Maria Ivanova, and her father Ivanov Vasya paid for the ticket with his card, in this situation the account holder is Vasya Ivanov, as the bank card is issued to him, so his data should be entered).
    The account of the recipient (the person who paid for the order) must correspond to the specified name. The currency of the account should be BYN
  • Fields "Surname", "Name", "Patronymic" - specify in Russian the surname, name, patronymic of the recipient of funds.
  • Field "Name of the bank where the account is opened" - specify the bank where the account of the recipient of payment is opened (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . Example of bank names:
    and others.
  • Field "Bank code (BIC)" - specify the BIC of the bank where the account of the payment recipient is opened (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . BIC consists of 8 symbols: digits and letters of the Latin alphabet. For example: "AKBBBY2X", "ALFABY2X", etc.
  • Field "IBAN account card number" - specify the IBAN account of the payment recipient to which the funds will be credited (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . The account number consists of 28 symbols: digits and letters of the Latin alphabet. For example: BY10ALFA301 4 0000000000000000".
  • Fields "E-Mail", "Contact phone number" - specify real e-mail and phone number to contact you.
  • After filling in the required fields, click "Send details"
  • A window will open to check the specified data, check if the necessary data is correct, familiarise yourself with the terms of return. If everything is correct and you agree with the terms of return, tick the box "I agree with the terms of return" and click "Confirm details"

  • After confirmation you will return to the original window, where your ticket will be red, the order will be in cancelled status and the refund amount will be indicated on the top right:

How long it will take for the refund to reach your account depends on the bank where your account is opened.

Cancellation of ticket(s) in an order

  • Go to the orders tab in the application and select the required order:

  • A window with the selected order will open, at the bottom of the page click "Link to order in browser":

  • Choose any of the browsers in which the link will open:

  • A window with your tickets will open, click "Refund Tickets":

  • Highlight the tickets (tap with your finger) that we want to refund, the highlighted tickets will turn grey:

  • In the upper part of the window you will see information on the refund amount, to continue click on "Issue refund":

  • We will receive a message about the need to fill in bank details, if you made a refund earlier, but did not fill in the details, or if you are cancelling more than one ticket, you need to click on the button at the bottom of the screen to open the window for filling in the details:

  • Fill in the details in the window that opens:

  • In the window some fields from the data specified in the ticket can be automatically filled in. Fill in the fields:
    In all fields enter the data of the ACCOUNT HOLDER (hereinafter referred to as "recipient of funds") from which the payment was made, not the passenger's data. (Example: the ticket was bought by Maria Ivanova, and her father Ivanov Vasya paid for the ticket with his card, in this situation the account holder is Vasya Ivanov, as the bank card is issued to him, so his data should be entered).
    The account of the recipient (the person who paid for the order) must correspond to the specified name. The currency of the account should be BYN
  • Fields "Surname", "Name", "Patronymic" - specify in Russian the surname, name, patronymic of the recipient of funds.
  • Field "Name of the bank where the account is opened" - specify the bank where the account of the recipient of payment is opened (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . Example of bank names:
    and others.
  • Field "Bank code (BIC)" - specify the BIC of the bank where the account of the payment recipient is opened (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . BIC consists of 8 symbols: digits and letters of the Latin alphabet. For example: "AKBBBY2X", "ALFABY2X", etc.
  • Field "IBAN account card number" - specify the IBAN account of the payment recipient to which the funds will be credited (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . The account number consists of 28 symbols : digits and letters of the Latin alphabet. Например: BY10ALFA30140000000000000000”.
  • Fields "E-mail", "Contact phone number" - specify real mail and phone number to contact you.
  • After filling in the required fields, click "Send details"
  • A window will open to check the specified data, check if the necessary data is correct, familiarise yourself with the terms of return. If everything is correct and you agree with the terms of return, tick "I agree with the terms of return" and click "Confirm details":

  • Once confirmed, you will receive a message "Form submitted successfully!" and return to the original window:

  • If you have cancelled several tickets, the procedure of filling in the details will have to be repeated for each ticket separately by clicking "Refund by ERIP" on it:

  • The term of receipt of the refunded funds to your account depends on the bank in which it is opened.

Order cancellation

  • Go to the orders tab in the application and select the required order:

  • A window with the selected order will open, tap "Cancel":

  • Press "Yes" to confirm the order cancellation:

  • After successful cancellation of the order the refund amount will be displayed in the window, close this window:

  • Next, you need to fill in the details for the refund, to do this, click "Link to order in browser":

  • Choose any of the browsers in which the link will open:

  • In the window that opens we will see all the tickets in the order, click on "Fill details" at the bottom of the screen for the first ticket and "Refund by ERIP" on all other tickets in the order:

  • Receive the following message and click "Confirm Details":

  • In the window that opens, fill in the details:

  • In the window some fields from the data specified in the ticket can be automatically filled in. Fill in the fields:
    In all fields enter the data of the ACCOUNT HOLDER (hereinafter referred to as "recipient of funds") from which the payment was made, not the passenger's data. (Example: the ticket was bought by Maria Ivanova, and her father Ivanov Vasya paid for the ticket with his card, in this situation the account holder is Vasya Ivanov, as the bank card is issued to him, so his data should be entered).
    The account of the recipient (the person who paid for the order) must correspond to the specified name. The currency of the account should be BYN
  • Fields "Surname", "Name", "Patronymic" - specify in Russian the surname, name, patronymic of the recipient of funds.
  • Field "Name of the bank where the account is opened" - specify the bank where the account of the recipient of payment is opened (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . Example of bank names:
    and others.
  • Field "Bank code (BIC)" - specify the BIC of the bank where the account of the payment recipient is opened (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . BIC consists of 8 symbols: digits and letters of the Latin alphabet. For example: "AKBBBY2X", "ALFABY2X", etc.
  • Field "IBAN account card number" - specify the IBAN account of the payment recipient to which the funds will be credited (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . The account number consists of 28 symbols : digits and letters of the Latin alphabet. Например: BY10ALFA30140000000000000000”.
  • Fields "E-mail", "Contact phone number" - specify real mail and phone number to contact you.
  • After filling in the required fields, click "Send details"
  • A window will open to check the specified data, check if the necessary data is correct, familiarise yourself with the terms of return. If everything is correct and you agree with the terms of return, tick the box "I agree with the terms of return" and click "Confirm details"

  • After confirmation you will receive a message "Form has been successfully submitted!" and return to the original window:

  • The term of receipt of the refunded funds to your account depends on the bank in which it is opened.
  • Click on the link received by SMS , or by e-mail when buying a ticket, or by the "order link in the browser" from the application. A window with your tickets will open:

  • Click "Return tickets"
  • Select the tickets we want to return, the selected tickets become grey:

  • At the bottom of the window you will see information on the refund amount, to continue click on "Issue refund":

  • We receive the following message:

  • Click "Confirm details", a window will open to fill in the details:

  • In the opened window some fields from the data specified in the ticket can be automatically filled in. Fill in the fields:
    In all fields enter the data of the ACCOUNT HOLDER (hereinafter referred to as "recipient of funds") from which the payment was made, not the passenger's data. (Example: the ticket was bought by Maria Ivanova, and her father Ivanov Vasya paid for the ticket with his card, in this situation the account holder is Vasya Ivanov, as the bank card is issued to him, so his data should be entered).
    The account of the recipient (the person who paid for the order) must correspond to the specified name. The currency of the account should be BYN
  • Fields "Surname", "Name", "Patronymic" - specify in Russian the surname, name, patronymic of the recipient of funds.
  • Field "Name of the bank where the account is opened" - specify the bank where the account of the recipient of payment is opened (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . Example of bank names:
    and others.
  • Field "Bank code (BIC)" - specify the BIC of the bank where the account of the payment recipient is opened (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . BIC consists of 8 symbols: digits and letters of the Latin alphabet. For example: "AKBBBY2X", "ALFABY2X", etc.
  • Field "IBAN account card number" - specify the IBAN account of the payment recipient to which the funds will be credited (the account from which the ticket was paid! ) . The account number consists of 28 symbols: digits and letters of the Latin alphabet. For example: BY10ALFA301 4 0000000000000000".
  • Fields "E-Mail", "Contact phone number" - specify real e-mail and phone number to contact you.
  • After filling in the required fields, click "Send details"

  • A window will open to check the specified data, check if the necessary data is correct, familiarise yourself with the terms of return. If everything is correct and you agree with the terms of return, tick the box "I agree with the terms of return" and click "Confirm details"

  • After confirmation you will return to the original window, where your ticket will be red, the order will be in cancelled status and the refund amount will be indicated on the top right:

How long it will take for the refund to reach your account depends on the bank where your account is opened.

The reservation can be canceled automatically in the absence of payment after the reservation period has expired (up to 30 minutes).

You can return your ticket by yourself on the website, in the app, or by contacting support.
You can return your ticket by yourself in several ways:
1) on the website in your personal account select the required order and click on “return ticket”;
2) on the website in the “My tickets - search for tickets” section you need to enter the ticket number and its security code (without logging into your personal account and without registration);
3) by clicking on the order link which was sent to the email and phone number specified during booking;
4) by scanning the QR code on the ticket;
5) in the application in the "Orders" section.
You can return your entire order or separate tickets. When returning the refund and non-refund will be displayed.
By contacting support our team will return your ticket providing as much information as possible.

INFOBUS.BY will offer alternative bus routes. If the proposed solutions are not suitable the passenger receives a full refund for the canceled trip.

The conditions are specified in the “Bus routes details” when purchasing on the website as well as on the ticket. They are individual depending on the policy of the chosen carrier.

To return funds through the ERIP system you should indicate the recipient’s details in the appropriate form by clicking the “Fill in details” button on the order link after canceling the ticket.
In case of additional questions we recommend contacting our support team.

Ticket purchase

INFOBUS.BY co-operates with a large number of bus stations in Belarus, which provide ticket sales through our system. You can find the full list of bus stations on the website in the "Agencies" section.

The site presents 3 payment systems based on ease of use for customers: BePaid, ERIP, Oplati. Payment instructions can be found on the website in the “Payment Methods” section.

There may be several reasons for unsuccessful payment:
- insufficient funds on the card;
- the Internet payment service is not activated on the card;
- the Internet payment limit has been exceeded;
- the possibility of international payments is not activated on the card;
We advise you to contact your bank to resolve the problems. After this try to make a payment again.

- after successful payment we recommend to check the email that was specified during booking because the ticket sends to it as an attachment;
- view your spam folder;
- check that the email address specified in the booking is correct;
If you have not received your ticket please contact our support team for more information.

This depends on the carrier. When you select a bus route an E-ticket phone icon will be displayed next to the “Bus route details'' field. So you can show the ticket on your phone or other electronic device.

This voucher/exchange form should be exchanged for a ticket at the bus station ticket office no later than 30 minutes before the bus departure.

Not all carriers provide seat selection, that is their policy. The seat will be indicated upon boarding the bus route by the driver or accompanying staff.

You should contact INFOBUS.BY support using phone number, via online chat or instant messengers and report your problem then follow the recommendations.

Some bus routes allow 3 mistakes in personal data. Some carriers insist on paying for changes. For international bus routes personal information on the ticket must match the information in the passport.

Contact Support INFOBUS.BY using phone number, online chat or instant messengers. Depending on the carrier this service may be paid.

This is possible with some carriers. To make changes please contact support INFOBUS.BY using phone number, online chat or instant messengers. Depending on the policy of the selected carrier this service may be paid.

INFOBUS.BY cooperates with a large number of bus terminals and stations throughout Belarus, which provide ticket sales through our system. You can view the full list of bus stations on the website in the “Agencies” section.

Questions about the trip

The time on all tickets is always local. Carriers take into account changes in time zones.

This information and a map showing the boarding location are indicated on the ticket. If the bus is not at the station at the specified time contact the support service INFOBUS.BY for information.

INFOBUS.BY has information provided by the carrier. The departure time is exact but the arrival time may be changed due to unforeseen circumstances (delays at the border (for international bus routes), road repairs, weather conditions, vehicle breakdown, etc).

You should contact the carrier using the contact information indicated on the ticket. In case of failure you can contact the call center, the contact phone number is also on the ticket. Failure to comply with these instructions and late contact with the dispatcher is regarded as the passenger being late for boarding.

This information is available when choosing the route direction: the name of the transfer city, the waiting time at the intermediate point and the type of transport to continue the trip. The transfer can be carried out with the help of the driver and steward or independently. Depends on type of the trip: organized or unorganized. Under any circumstances the passenger can contact the support service INFOBUS.BY or contact the carrier using the contacts on the ticket.

The description of the bus can be checked with the carrier by calling the numbers indicated on the ticket or by contacting the support service INFOBUS.BY on the day of departure. In the case of departure from a bus station the ticket indicates the departure platform as well as the name of the carrier’s route which can serve as a guide when searching for a vehicle.

Bus routes departures operate strictly according to schedule, you should be present in the boarding area 30 minutes before departure.

Each carrier has its own baggage allowance. You can view them on the website when choosing a route in “Bus route details” or on the purchased ticket.

Additional luggage is accepted for a fee and subject to the availability of free space which is determined by the driver taking into account the number of passengers and their city distribution.

This information is available by clicking the “Bus route details” button next to the selected route. Information can also be clarified by contacting support INFOBUS.BY.

An invitation to leave a review will be sent to the email specified during booking within 7 days after the trip. Reviews are available to all visitors INFOBUS.BY.

In order to improve the quality of service you can contact describing the problem that arose during the bus route. The support team of INFOBUS.BY will react to the situation.


On the official site and also in the application INFOBUS BY there is a search form in which you need to indicate: departure city, arrival city, travel date and then click the button «Search». Next from the proposed options select the bus route that is suitable for you, click the “Buy” button and indicate the required number of seats then fill out the requested information (name, surname of the passenger/s, contact phone number, email address; if necessary, type of travel document, it’s number, date of birth, nationality and gender).

After clicking the "Proceed to Payment" button your order number will be displayed on the screen and payment options will be offered. An email will also be sent to the specified email with additional information about the order and with a link to pay for it.

After successful payment and receipt of funds by us the system will automatically send you a ticket in pdf format to the email address you specified.

All necessary information automatically sends to your specified email during purchase.You can also view your order in your personal account.on the website or in the application. Also in the section on the website “My tickets” with information of the order number/ticket and security code if registration was not carried out.

Use the option to recover your password on the website or in the application, follow the instructions sent by email. Or contact the support team of INFOBUS.BY using online chat, contact phone number or instant messengers.

To receive an electronic ticket and get timely information about bus route changes.

Yes. Tickets can be purchased on the day of bus departure subject to availability.

Certain bus routes are only available to customers of INFOBUS.BY, they are closed for sale at the box office. In this case the bus route is relevant and you can purchase a ticket to the destination of your  interest.

INFOBUS.BY cooperates with bus stations and private carriers, we cover the maximum number of bus routes and provide ticket purchases on our platform. Ticket price depends on additional services, bus comfort, distance and travel speed, and the presence of additional bus station fees.

Yes, you need. The cost of a child ticket depends on the age of the child and the availability of discount offers from the carrier.
You can check whether the carrier provides a discount before making a purchase on the website by clicking on the “Bus route details” button next to the route you are interested in.

The availability of a discount depends on the carrier's policy. Some bus routes include the full ticket price, some bus routes provide a discount for customers of INFOBUS.BY -10%. Discounts are common for tourist groups, children, students, people of retirement age and disabled persons. You can view current discounts for a specific carrier in “Bus route details”.

The discount is provided at the discretion of the carrier and can reach up to 50%. This offer is valid for passengers purchasing a round-trip ticket with a single booking with one name. For additional information please contact support INFOBUS.BY by phone number, in the online chat or instant messengers.

Also the opportunity to take advantage of promotions and/or promotional codes for discounts and in case of registration for a travel date with a higher ticket price the price remains the same.
This ticket has its own validity period which will be indicated on it and it’s relevant only for the selected bus route. In order to use this ticket for the date you selected you should register it. Registration is possible if there are available seats at the selected bus route.

There are two ways to register a ticket:

1, On the website or in the application.
On the website you need to go to the “My tickets” section – “Open ticket registration”, indicate the ticket number, security code, select the desired travel date and click the “Register” button. In the application INFOBUS BY you should select the “Orders” section - indicate the order/ticket number and security code, select the travel date and click the “Register” button.

2, Registration can be done through our support team. You should provide the operator with your order number and desired travel date. After successful registration tickets will be sent to your email or phone number and they will already have the specific date of the trip.

Boarding the bus route is strictly in accordance with the purchased ticket and the information provided in it. The bus route does not include additional stops.

This feature is available with some carriers. When searching for a bus route there is a checkmark next to the ticket price “Payment upon boarding is available” and after filling the data there is a corresponding button on the page to proceed to payment “Book with payment upon boarding”.
If this mark is missing then the ticket purchase is valid on the website with payment.

Promo Code

A promotional code is a unique set of symbols/word thanks to which you receive a certain discount from our company on a bus route purchase.

For Promo Code activation you need to enter it in the appropriate field and click the "Apply" button when booking tickets. Please check your details before confirming your booking. In case of an error when editing and re-booking the promotional code will no longer be valid. During the making payment  the discount using the promotional code will be taken into account automatically.

Information about all current promotional codes is provided electronically by mailing. Also it can be found on official resources: INFOBUS.BY and on social networks: Instagram, Facebook and Telegram.


The call center is open around the clock, seven days a week!

Office in Minsk:
Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 17:30 (lunch: 13:00-13:30).
Address: Minsk, Logoisky tract, 22A.

You can contact call center operators of INFOBUS.BY by phone number in the “Contacts” section. Communication is also possible via instant messengers or online chat; you need to go through the website or application to the “Support Service” section (headphone icon in the upper right corner).


This is a cumulative conventional INFOBUS.BY unit which can be applied as a discount for subsequent orders. 100 bonuses = 1 BYN. The price reduction can reach 50% of the declared price.
The current number of bonuses awarded after purchase is displayed when searching for a bus route under the ticket price.

This is a virtual discount card with a seven-digit number which can be obtained upon registration on the site to accrue bonuses.

Provide your card number with each booking. If you log in to the site the card number is entered automatically. Bonuses are awarded after confirmation of payment.

When booking check the “Use bonuses” box. The ticket price will be automatically calculated taking into account bonuses that will be withdrawn from the card after the payment confirmation.

The card number can be found in your account, in the registration confirmation email at INFOBUS.BY or by contacting support.

Our website uses cookies

By using our website, you accept the terms and conditions under which we use cookies to analyse data and create content (including advertising) based on your interests. We also use them to measure user traffic in order to improve the quality of the website and optimise its performance. If you do not agree with their use, you can enable only the cookies you need by clicking here. Detailed Information

Please wait. Searching for the route.

Bonuses This is a cumulative conventional INFOBUS.BY unit which can be applied as a discount for subsequent orders. 100 bonuses = 1 BYN. The price reduction can reach 50% of the declared price. The current number of bonuses awarded after purchase is displayed when searching for a bus route under the ticket price.